BLOG: Group who seeks MN Drivers Licenses for Illegals Held Protest outside GOP Rep’s Home

Via the Fairbault News, some fifty people with Mesa Latina protested outside Rep Brian Daniels, R-Fairbault  home on the Saturday before Easter.

Here’s the video:

HF 97 would give Minnesota driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants and deem identification from a foreign government as acceptable proof to obtain a license.  Alpha News first reported on the measure on March 13th.

The Chief Author of the bill in the House is Rep Rod Hamilton, R- Mountain Lake. Other Republicans supporting the bill include Rep Dave Baker, R-Willmar, Rep Bob Gunther, R-Fairmont, Rep Denny McNamara, R-Hastings, and Rep Ron Kresha, R-Little Falls.  The bill has broad DFL support.  One of the DFL sponsors, Rep Mike Freiberg, D-Golden Valley, tweeted his dislike of the activist’s tactics last night:



House Speaker Kurt Daudt, R-Crown, opposes the bill and says it won’t get a floor vote.



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