(Minneapolis, Minnesota)

Minneapolis became ground zero for the Democratic Presidential Primary last week – On Friday Minneapolis hosted the Democratic National Committee Summer Meeting. Thousands poured out to see the leading Democratic Presidential Candidates speak.

Rhode Island Senator Lincoln Chafee spoke of a political history “free of scandals”, and had this to say about Democrats and Republicans in 2016,“And I do believe, I do believe, that 2016 is going to be a great year for Democrats, I do believe that – because we are right on the key issues, we are right on income inequality. They turned surplus in to deficits and they like giving the rich tax breaks”

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton drew one of the larger crowds, speaking heavily on the need for more measures for income equality, stating,“I believe raising incomes and supporting incomes is the defining economic challenge of our time” Clinton went on say income equality and easier access to childcare will be a main focus of hers if elected President.

Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley focused on controversy over the lack of debates Democratic Primary Candidates are having this year, inquiring, “Four debates, four debates and four only we are told – not asked – before voters in our earliest states make their decision. This is totally unprecedented in our Party’s history; this sort of rigged process has never been attempted before. Whose decree is this exactly? Where did it come from? To what end? For what purpose? What National or Party interest does this decree serve?”

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders drew a particularly enthusiastic crowd – speaking of free public college, and increasing taxes on Wall Street, “In other words, we need a movement which takes on the economic and political establishment – not one that is part of that establishment”

A number of Minnesota political figures spoke, including Senator Amy Klobuchar, Former Minneapolis Mayor RT Rybak, Current Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges, and Representatives Keith Ellison and Rick Nolan. Governor Mark Dayton also spoke to the crowd, addressing his plans for the State’s surplus, “We now have a two billion dollar surplus, which we are investing in education, better transportation, and health care.”

Former Vice President Walter Mondale also made an appearance.

The current quinnipiac poll shows Hillary Clinton currently leading among Democratic Presidential contenders.

The first Democratic Presidential debate is set for October 13th, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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Julia Erynn