Democratic National Committeeman goes on Twitter rant against successful public school district

Jvi2Javier Morrillo, a frequent guest on KTLK’s morning show as well as Twin Cities Public Television’s Almanac program, is on a Twitter rant against Minnetonka Public schools.

It started Monday, when the large west metro school district tweeted statistics touting Minnetonka students’ success in reading, math, and science scores using international assessment measures.  Morillo mocked the district for being “No Country for Non White Men” and questioned the statistics used to show achievement.

Minnetonka public schools enrolls nearly 10,000 students including 2,400 who open-enroll from other school districts.  According to the Minnesota Department of Education, 87% of the students in the district are white. Minnetonka high school is ranked #3 for public high schools (non-charter) in Minnesota by U.S. News and World Report for 2015.  Incidentally, the schools that ranked ahead of Minnetonka have a much lower percentage of white students enrolled.  South St. Paul Secondary has a student population that is 66% white and Henry Sr. High School in Minneapolis has a 91% minority student population.

Morillo, a graduate of Yale University and former instructor of colonial cultures at Macalester College, is also the President of the Service Employees International Union Local 26 which represents 6,000 janitors, security officers, and window cleaners. He’s one of only four people from Minnesota who serve on the Democratic National Committee.  Take a look at the tweets from Mr. Morillo below:

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