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Election Results Spur Recounts in Two East Metro School Districts

Inver Grove Heights School Board candidate Bill Klein’s recount request has been granted by the school board.  According to the Pioneer Press, an incorrect...

Alpha News Update: Pro-Life Professor Under Attack, Daudt Requests Halting Refugee Resettlement, New License...

In this Alpha News Update we cover a law professor being attacked by a pro-choice organization, Speaker Daudt asking Governor Dayton to call on President Obama to halt the intake of Syrian refugees, and the license laws being implemented that have some Minnesotans worried they won't be able to fly domestically...

Franken to attend UN Climate Change Conference in Paris

The conference begins Nov. 30 in Paris. World leaders will seek a new international agreement on climate change.

Dayton, Klobuchar, Franken hold the line on more refugee resettlement

Dayton stated he's been reassured from the White House that refugees will be properly vetted. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken were two of fourteen U.S. Senators to work for the resettlement of more Syrian refugees. What will this mean for Minnesota?

9/11 Moment of Recognition Voted Down at UMN – Do Students Agree with the...

The Minnesota Student Association voted against a "moment of recognition" on the anniversaries of the attacks on September 11th. Do students agree with the vote?

Grassroots Republicans endorse Aplikowski, Abeler will head to Primary

Longtime Republican party volunteer, Andy Aplikowski, wins endorsement for the seat currently held by Senator Branden Peterson. But the race will go to a primary on January 12th against former 8-term Representative Jim Abeler who has support from many across the GOP establishment.

MN Democrat Candidate Dan Kimmel: “ISIS Isn’t Necessarily Evil.” Ends his campaign

A candidate for state representative in Minnesota's 56th district, Dan Kimmel, tweeted Saturday night, "ISIS isn't necessarily evil. It is made up of people doing what they think is best for their community. Violence is not the answer, though."

Minnesota State Senate Race Gaining Momentum

Julia Erynn covers the Senate District 35 Forum she moderated, where delegates and citizens had a chance to hear from the four candidates vying for Branden Petersen's state Senate seat before the endorsing convention Saturday.

House Speaker renews call to scrap MnSure, Move to federal exchange

MnSure has cost $200 million so far, and less than 50,000 have enrolled in private plans as of June. With more and more Minnesotans enrolling in Medicaid, is it time to join 36 other states and move to the federal exchange?

Last-Minute Candidate: Brad Sunderland

Alpha News has an introductory interview with Brad (Bradley) Sunderland, who just last week announced he is running for Branden Petersen's senate seat in District...