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Minnetonka schools seek higher taxes, 1/3 of students open-enroll

Minnetonka says it needs more money from property tax payers, but 1/3 of the kids who go to school there have parents who don't pay property taxes in the district. $200 million+ tax hike to replace expiring levies will be on the ballot November 3rd.

Southwest Light Rail Controversy

Alpha News covers the changing plans for the Southwest Light Rail and the reactions of the citizens who will pay for it...

Minnesota Capitol sculpture may have “Liberty” language removed

The Art Subcomittee of the Minnesota Capitol Restoration project may alter the most prominent piece of artwork in the Minnesota House of Representatives Chamber. They'll also decide whether paintings, that have been in place since the building's 1905 opening, will make the cut.

Reactions to the 2nd GOP Debate

Wednesday evening millions of Americans gathered to watch the second Republican Presidential Debate – but did the debate change the minds of voters or address the issues they care about the most? Alpha news attended the debate watch party in New Hope hosted by the 5th congressional district republicans. We asked several attendees how they felt about the candidates both before, and after the debate.

Title I funding in Minnesota, which schools have increasing concentrations of poverty?

In the overall scheme of local education funding, Title 1 is small potatoes, still the program gives a good idea which districts are coping with higher concentrations of low-income students. It can also show patterns of where poverty is moving. Take a look at the entire state and see where your local school district ranks.

Minnesota Mass Transit projects keep spending tax dollars, despite no legislative funding

With no legislative funding in place, the Gold Line and Green Line projects keep moving ahead. This week the $485 million 12-mile Gold Line/Gateway Corridor bus rapid transit line from St. Paul to Woodbury secured a $1 million federal grant.

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Taxpayers League Gives Failing Grades to most in MNGOP House

The Taxpayer's League of Minnesota has a history of praising Republicans, but not so much in 2015. Take a look at house your legislator did.

GOP Debate featuring Senator Marco Rubio

Alpha News digs in to the division of the Republican debate and asks Senator Marco Rubio about turning a deep blue state, red...

For “The Donald,” it’s about the delegates

Donald Trump is getting record crowds to events and leading in the polls, but will this translate into delegates in 2016? We give a state-by-state breakdown of primary and caucus dates as well as delegate counts to take a closer look.