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Alpha News Exclusive: Senator Osmek says its time to “Rein in Met Council”

Senator Dave Osmek (R) of Mound is upset with the activities of the Minnesota's Metropolitan Council.

BLOG: Legislators Seek $6 Million for Urban Farming Grants

House File 153, which establishes tax-funded grants for urban agriculture, is moving along in St. Paul.  The bill allocates $6 Million from the General...

BLOG: Minnesota’s Legacy Fund, Where are your tax dollars going?

Last night the Senate Subcommittee on Legacy heard bills to fund projects around the state. Minnesota voters approved the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment back in 2008 which increased the state sales taxes by .375% for 25-years. The amendment mandates that a portion of the fund be used “to preserve Minnesota’s history and cultural heritage.”

BLOG: $485 Million 12-mile Dedicated Bus Roadway Wins Republican Support

Bills to spur the St. Paul to Woodbury dedicated busline route-- known as the Gateway Corridor-- are moving along at the Capitol in the Republican-majority House. Rep Kelly Fenton, R-Woodbury, is the Chief Author of HF 1616 and HF 1617 whilch will allocate $3 Million from the state’s General Fund to the Met Council for the next phase of the $485 Million Gateway Corridor Transitway.

BLOG: Governor Dayton says State must borrow $842 Million now for a Better...

On Tuesday Governor Mark Dayton revealed his $842 Million bonding proposal branding it a "Jobs Bill."  The number is very close to the $846 Million that...

Alpha News Update: April 10th

Alpha News April 10th, 2015 Update: MN DFL Leadership wants to get the state budget figured out on time, protests outside a state Rep's home, and Ron Paul says give the money back to the people.

BLOG: Student Safety and Privacy Act adds Authors, Informational Hearing Likely

Since our March 16th post, the House bill has added ten new co-sponsors, including Majority Leader Rep Joyce Peppin, R-Rogers. Out of twenty-nine signers, there are no Democrats supporting the legislation.

BLOG: House Speaker Kurt Daudt “We’re siding with Minnesotans on the gas tax”

Democrats around the state continue to promote a gas tax hike to pay for their transportation proposals while Republicans are holding the line on the plan to put Minnesota in the nation's Top 5 for gas taxes.

VIDEO: Ron Paul says Return MN State Surplus

Former Republican Congressman Dr. Ron Paul talks with Alpha News about getting youth involved in politics and gives his opinion on Minnesota's state government surplus.

BLOG: Group who seeks MN Drivers Licenses for Illegals Held Protest outside GOP...

Via the Fairbault News, some fifty people with Mesa Latina protested outside Rep Brian Daniels, R-Fairbault home on the Saturday before Easter.