(Saint Paul, MN) On Monday the Minnesota State Senate gathered for their floor session to discuss and debate a number of different bills. The bills range in their level of controversy and debate, but one bill that was unanimously approved could make the next time you get pulled over a little easier.

Senator Kent Eken is sponsoring the Senate version of a bill that would allow motorists to use electronic proof of insurance during traffic stops.   Under current law, law enforcement has discretion in rejecting or accepting proof of insurance that motorists pull up on their smartphones or other electronic devices.

The bill was originally proposed in the house by Representative Dan Fabian of Roseau. The House version of the bill was also passed unanimously.

One of the more controversial bills that passed through the Senate is the Senate Elections Omnibus Bill. The bill includes a number of provisions, including allowing sixteen year olds to pre-register to vote, allowing for an early voting period, and restoring a felon’s right to vote immediately after they are finished being incarcerated. Senator Mary Kiffmeyer offered an amendment to the bill which would remove all of the controversial provisions due to them not having strong enough bipartisan support for Governor Dayton to sign it into law.

Senator Kiffmeyer told Alpha News,“The Governor has said it has to have bipartisan support, so if anything comes out of these sections it should be those that have strong bipartisan support, felons voting, registering sixteen year olds does not.”

Senator Kiffmeyer’s amendment was defeated, and the omnibus elections bill passed through the senate.

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Julia Erynn