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Rochester referendum shows it’s time to start spending smarter when it...

(Opportunity for All Kids) — “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,” the old saying goes. That adage seems to be one that...

Voters Reject $100 Million St. Francis School Board Referendum

OAK GROVE, Minn. - Voters resoundingly rejected two proposals put forward by Independent School District 15 that would have approved $107.8 million in bonding...

Judge Denies ISD #833’s Motions for Dismissal in $96 Million Bond...

UPDATED: $96 Million Bond election contest back in court Monday, Jan. 4, 2016: Judge will heard arguments on ballots on January 4, 2016, and will have the decision to the parties by the end of the week.

19 Challenged Ballots, No’s Gain 2, Yes Gain 1 – SWC...

South Washington County School District 833 recounted the ballot question #2 votes on Friday resulting in the "yes" votes gaining one, the "No" votes gaining two, and 19 challenged ballots going to the Canvassing Board on Wed., Nov. 25.