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Yearly Archives: 2018

UMN Under Fire For Quarantining Ben Shapiro Lecture

MINNEAPOLIS - The University of Minnesota (UMN) has come under fire for isolating an upcoming event featuring conservative speaker Ben Shapiro despite offering different...

Announcing Alpha News’ Media Bias Contest

I’m delighted to announce Alpha News’ media bias contest. We all see countless examples of media bias everyday. This contest is designed to ferret...

Caucus Results Are In: Johnson, Walz Early Favorites

ST. PAUL, Minn. - The 2018 precinct caucus results in, and Republican Jeff Johnson and Democrat Tim Walz are leading the pack of gubernatorial...

Counter Point: Choices are good: The Case for Tim Pawlenty

One thing I like about being a Minnesota Republican is that we have an incendiary provocateur in John Gilmore who writes and tweets every...

Nowhere Man: The Case Against Tim Pawlenty

Bad news was delivered last week by MPR when it reported that failed former Governor Tim Pawlenty would meet with donors and “supporters” to...

Alpha News Columnist John Gilmore On The Sue Jeffers Show

Due to the Superbowl the Alpha News Sunday Column will be published on Monday. However, John Gilmore discussed the just-released "memo" and President Donald...

Minnesota Family Council To Host SD54 Special Election Candidate Forum

HASTINGS, Minn. - With the Senate District 54 special election a little over one week away, Minnesota Family Council is sponsoring a candidate forum...
Ilhan Omar

Ilhan Omar Slams Trump’s State of the Union Address as “Fascist” and “Disturbing”

WASHINGTON - Despite President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address earning high approval ratings, Democrats have spent the week criticizing the speech,...

MOA Stabbing Suspect Pleads Guilty, Pledges Allegiance To Islamic State

MINNEAPOLIS - Mahad Abdiaziz Abdiraham pleaded guilty last week for the stabbing of two men at the Mall of America last November. On November...

Top-Tier Dem Gubernatorial Recruit Says No To Minnesota Governor’s Race

Minnesota Attorney General announced despite much speculation that she will not run to be the next Minnesota Governor. Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson was...