President of the Minneapolis Planning Commission wrote that we must give up our cars to save the planet.

Sam Rockwell wrote an op-ed in the Star Tribune titled "To save the planet, we have to over car" the subtitle of the op-ed is "In order to cut emissions we need to accept that some elements of our lifestyles don't fit into a clean future. "

Bike Lanes

Sam Rockwell wrote an op-ed in the Star Tribune titled “To save the planet, we have to over car” the subtitle of the op-ed is “In order to cut emissions we need to accept that some elements of our lifestyles don’t fit into a clean future. “

Minneapolis has already put a priority on bike lanes over car lanes. In a recently passed Minneapolis, 2040 plan Rockwell notes “even with the adoption of electric cars, a 38% reduction in passenger miles traveled by automobile is needed” to adequately reduce emissions.”

Based on this the Minneapolis Planning Commission President makes the case to reduce car travel and even car ownership.

Isaac Orr who is a researcher at the Center of the American Experiment sharply disagrees. He points out that “Empirical research shows this is still true today. A recent study from the USC found that car commuters in low-income neighborhoods in San Diego have about 30 times greater job accessibility than those who take public transit.  Clearly, owning a car results is better options for workers of all income brackets.”

Additionally, Orr disagrees that Minnesota needs to become similar to major urban cities controlled by Democrats.

“For reasons I don’t understand, many of the urban liberals in Minnesota seem desperate to turn our state into the next California, New York, or Seattle, whether it be through mandating $15 minimum wages, ramping up taxes, or artificially funneling people in the public transit sector when most folks would prefer to drive to work.” writes Orr.


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