Dave Hughes: Why I Oppose U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren’s “Medicare for All” Plan

It’s high time to get the federal government away from our wallets, off our backs, and out of our lives.  I urge all Americans to oppose “Medicare for All” or anything like it.

Dave Hughes

For weeks the mainstream media waited breathlessly for Senator Elizabeth Warren’s “Medicare for All” plan. Now folks are examining its price tag and debating the details.

I oppose Warren’s plan for the following three reasons. First – and this is the most important reason – “Medicare for All” is unconstitutional. Our U.S. Constitution grants to our federal government limited roles, responsibilities, and authority to engage in certain activities. The Constitution is very specific about these; it is equally explicit that anything and everything not enumerated in that document MUST – not may or should or maybe – MUST be left to the states and the people to figure out. Our federal government is not authorized to engage in “Medicare for All” or anything like it.

Second, at around $5 Trillion per year, Warren’s plan is absurdly expensive. Our federal government already spends a crazy $4.3 Trillion each year – that’s one out of every five dollars of the entire economic output of our great big nation.  Warren’s plan would more than double federal spending. There are myriad reasons why we should give less of our hard-earned money to government, not more.

Third, history informs us Warren’s numbers are wildly off the mark; government programs like these always cost vastly more than promised.  When Medicare was sold to the American people in the mid-1960s, politicians projected its cost out several decades. Today, Medicare costs eleven times more than they said it would.  Eleven times more. Let that sink in.

It’s high time to get the federal government away from our wallets, off our backs, and out of our lives.  I urge all Americans to oppose “Medicare for All” or anything like it.

If elected U.S. Representative, I promise to oppose measures like “Medicare for All”.  I promise to put serving western Minnesotans and defending the U.S. Constitution ahead of all else.




Major Dave Hughes is a 21-year United States Air Force Active Duty retired Iraq War veteran, and is a 2020 Republican Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives in Minnesota’s Seventh Congressional District.  Find Dave Hughes on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @DHughesCongress


Dave Hughes