BREAKING: New Video, Minnesota abortion clinics may be involved in fetal tissue sales

The latest Center for Medical Progress video features the Procurement Manager for Advanced BioScience Resources talking about how they procure fetal tissue from abortion clinics, including clinics in Minnesota.   The issue of fetal tissue donation and illegal profiting from such programs has been raised through videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, resulting in several states investigating Planned Parenthood.

According to an online search with the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office, Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc. of California  is registered at 1010 N. Dale St. in St. Paul as a “Foreign Nonprofit Corporation” in good standing.  Another online search shows a location at 590 Park Street in St. Paul in the Capitol Professional Building, located five miles from Planned Parenthood’s St. Paul clinic.

According to the Center for Medical Progress: “ABR, headquartered in Alameda, CA, is the largest and oldest fetal tissue seller in the U.S. ABR was founded in 19891 by Linda Tracy, a nurse who had previously worked for the National Disease Research Interchange (NDRI) in Philadelphia, PA. At the time, NDRI was also involved in fetal tissue sales. Today, ABR operates in abortion clinics in California, Minnesota, Oregon, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and an unknown number of other states. ABR is organized as a 501(c)3 non-profit, but brings in over $1-1.5 million in fetal tissue sales revenue each year.”

Sarah Stoesz, President and CEO or Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota issued a press release in July in response to the videos released earlier stating:

Planned Parenthood in our region does not have a fetal tissue donation program

There are other abortion providers in Minnesota including clinics in Robbinsdale, Minneapolis, and Duluth.

65 Minnesota Republican legislators signed a letter in July calling for Governor Mark Dayton to investigate the state’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, per statute 145.422 which prohibits the selling of “a living human conceptus or nonrenewable organ of the body.”

Governor Dayton promptly rejected the call for an investigation into Planned Parenthood and possible fetal tissue procurement in Minnesota.

Per MPR:  “As far as I’m concerned there’s no basis for an investigation at taxpayer expense into a private nonprofit organization that has stated they don’t engage in those practices here in Minnesota,” Dayton said.

Here’s the part of the video where Minnesota abortion clinics are mentioned:

Alpha News will continue to follow this story and how it pertains to abortion clinics and fetal tissue procurement in Minnesota.

Alpha News will continue to follow this story and how it pertains to fetal tissue procurement and abortion clinics in Minnesota.

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