Congressional Candidate Tyler Kistner Criticizes Weak Leadership

Kistner Criticizes Angie Craig for Refusal to Condemn Protests

Marine Veteran Tyler Kistner, who is the endorsed Republican candidate for Minnesota’s 2nd Congressional District, slammed Minnesota Democrats for their lack of leadership during violent protests in Minnesota.

Kistner is running for Congress in Minnesota’s 2nd Congressional District, which extends from the south-eastern part of the Twin Cities metro down to Buffalo City. He spent nine year in the Marine Corps proudly serving his country overseas.

Tyler was part of the elite special forces unit, the Marine Raiders, commanding hundreds of personnel and overseeing programs totaling over $100 million in budget and assets.

Kistner was appalled by watching the video of George Floyd being killed, which “made [him] sick to his stomach.”

“Justice must and will be served,” he said, “George Floyd’s death is incredibly sad and tragic, and my heart goes out to his family, friends, and everyone who knew him.”

In the eyes of Kistner, it is clear that Governor Walz, Mayor Carter and Mayor Frey have failed Minnesotans.  As a former Marine, Kistner says he knows intimately how the “Minnesota National Guard, Minnesota State Patrol, St. Paul police and the Minneapolis police must be given the resources to enforce the law, keep the peace, and protect the people of our state.”

Kistner emphasized his decorated background, stating, “having led this nation’s finest men and women through the toughest, most chaotic and uncertain situations, I understand the importance of strong leadership in times like this. We need leaders who can give clear guidance, be able to adapt quickly, and provide the necessary resources to those on the front lines.”

The Congressional candidate pointed out the strategic missteps of current leadership, saying “Governor Walz and Mayor Frey should be deploying all available personnel and give them instructions to yield no further ground and accept no further violence.”

“It is deeply troubling that Congresswoman Angie Craig has neither condemned the violent protestors nor called on the Governor to step up and provide leadership. It is clear Angie Craig isn’t willing to call out her own party’s failures to lead during the biggest crisis our state has ever faced. And it is now obvious she is a blind partisan who lied to voters to get elected,” Kistner concluded.

John Lucke
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