Castile Family Attorney: “See You in Court”

The family of Philando Castile and their attorney are calling not only for justice for Philando, but for a change in the law.  Philando’s mother Valerie says, “we as a nation need to address these issues, and the only way we can do that is by passing different laws.”

Castile was shot by police on July 6th in Falcon Heights and later died. His girlfriend streamed the aftermath of his death live and the footage went viral, leading to violent protests. Castile’s family hired TV Judge Glenda Hatchett to represent all civil legal matters related to his death. Prior to his death Castile was reportedly pulled over by police 52 times – Hatchett says procedure for training police and handling citizen complaints must be put in place to prevent this from happening again, asking, “What happens when a citizen is stopped repeatedly? Is there a mechanism in place to say, ‘why is this happening?'”

Minneapolis Attorney Thomas Kelly is representing the officers involved in the shooting, saying “This case has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the presence of a gun.” Hatchett sent a clear message to the officers’ attorney, saying, “You will ask me my reaction to the officers’ attorney, my response is simply this: I will see you in court!”

Hatchett says the details of the case will not be made public yet but will become a “matter of public record” in the near future. Subscribe to Alpha News as we continue to cover this developing story.

Julia Erynn