Alpha News reporter Liz Collin presented with Dayton Award for Fall of Minneapolis documentary

The documentary, "The Fall of Minneapolis," has reached a worldwide audience and garnered over 8 million views on various platforms.

Liz Collin
Liz Collin/Alpha News

Liz Collin, a prominent figure in Minnesota journalism, was presented with the Dayton Award by the Caux Round Table for her work on the Alpha News documentary “The Fall of Minneapolis.”

“In recommending her for the award, she was described as focused on mission, community and government impact, as well as having the vision and prudence of a level 5 leader,” Caux Round Table said in a statement.

According to the press release, Collin’s nomination for the award stated she has a “powerful mixture of personal humility and indomitable will.”

“Her ambition is first and foremost for the cause of truth, not for herself,” the nomination said. The organization presenting the award is an international group of business leaders who are working to promote “moral capitalism.”

“I am honored to receive this award and grateful that truth still matters in Minnesota,” Collin said.

The Caux Round Table’s statement explained that it advocates for free and open discourse as a cornerstone of democratic societies.

Previous recipients of the Dayton Award include leaders from various sectors, such as business, public service, and community advocacy. Those recipients include former police chiefs Medaria Arradondo of Minneapolis and Todd Axtell of St. Paul in 2021.

The award aims to recognize individuals who excel in the organization’s core values of integrity, courage, compassion, respect, and responsibility in their respective fields.

The documentary, “The Fall of Minneapolis,” has reached a worldwide audience and garnered over 8 million views on various platforms.


Hayley Feland

Hayley Feland previously worked as a journalist with The Minnesota Sun, The Wisconsin Daily Star, and The College Fix. She is a Minnesota native with a passion for politics and journalism.