Alpha News isn’t a big media outlet but we like to think that we punch above our weight. In this regard, allow us a moment to reflect upon the fact that if it wasn’t for us, there would be no pending challenge to the continued sealing of Keith Ellison’s divorce records. As we said in our statement on the day that our attorneys filed to have them unsealed, Minnesota media aren’t shy about asking for records to be unsealed when they want to.
They didn’t want to in this instance because it concerned Keith Ellison. As Scott Johnson of Powerline has written about extensively over many years, local media enabled this repulsive man’s rise. Is the Star Tribune going to expend time and money to find potentially damaging information about him? Hardly. So, too, with most of the rest of our local media.
Alpha News runs a weekly media column by inviting its readers to submit examples of bias. You’re reading it right now. This week, however, we thought it would be good to give ourselves a shoutout. Not because we have an inflated sense of ourselves but because we have an accurate one. By any objective standard of measurement, the request to unseal Keith Ellison’s divorce records should have been made some time ago and by several media outlets in Minnesota, not the upstart. But here we are and we’re happy to do what we can.
Keep this example in mind, however, going forward. Local media are provincial beyond belief. They believe they not only have a mission to seek the truth but that they actively and routinely publish such. The reality is that they have chosen sides. In doing so they have damaged their credibility, likely beyond repair. We can’t, and probably really shouldn’t, ignore local media. But we can accept what they have shown themselves to be and judge accordingly.