Black student group says full story not being told about Hopkins trans attack

Hopkins Public Schools

A black student group has released a cryptic statement in response to a widely-covered news story about a transgender student who was reportedly beat up by another student at Hopkins High School.

According to media reports, Cobalt Sovereign, a boy who identifies as a girl, was beat up after confronting a student who referred to Sovereign as a “f—-t.” That story has been retold many times by news outlets throughout the state.

Police are reportedly investigating the incident as a hate crime. Last week, a crowd of people, including several state legislators, joined a rally at Hopkins High School to draw attention to the incident.

However, the Hopkins High School Black Student Alliance released a statement which indicated that there was more to the story.

“An incident happened in our school which affected two communities, the LGBTQ+ community and the Black community,” the statement read in an apparent reference to the fight involving Sovereign.

“Today, we see one side of the story being told, yet there are reports of racial slurs being used within this incident elevating this to another level,” said the student group.

The statement did not explicitly say who used racial slurs in the incident, who the slurs were directed towards, or if the use of those slurs was the catalyst for the fight.

“We must make sure to include all sides of the story,” added the statement.


Alpha News Staff