Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota to Cover Insulin Costs With No Co-Pay Next Year

“Minnesota has always led the way to solving healthcare problems."

Insulin via Adobe Stock

Previously Minnesota Medical Insurer Medica  and UCare announced that they will cap insulin costs at $25 a month to address the rising costs of Insulin which rose by over 300%

Diabetics received more good news when Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota announced that they will cover insulin costs next year with $0 co-pay.

“Our first responsibility is to do what we can to improve the health and financial stability of our members,” said Dr. Craig Samitt, president and CEO of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota. “We felt a responsibility to address the skyrocketing cost of insulin with the options we have available. Hopefully our action will provide some measure of financial relief to many of our members who live with diabetes.”

Republican Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka celebrated the good news by issuing a statement saying “Minnesota has always led the way to solving healthcare problems. From non-profit HMO’s, world-class care at the Mayo Clinic, to stabilizing the market through reinsurance, we’re leading the nation in innovative healthcare options for our citizens. The calls to lower the cost of insulin for diabetics have been heard by many in the legislature and the healthcare industry, and we’re all responding to what the market wants: affordable, accessible insulin for diabetics.”


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