Champlin Park High School pushing radical politics in math and English class

Champlin Park High School, in Brooklyn Park Minnesota, is using math and English class to push over-the-top political indoctrination on its students.

Champlin Park High School

Champlin Park High School, in Brooklyn Park Minnesota, is using math and English class to push over-the-top political indoctrination on its students. A parent of a student at Champlin Park High, who wishes to remain anonymous, shared these photos with Alpha News, which are being circulated online. 

From 11th Grade Algebra:

 From 12th Grade English class (notice the definition of racism): 

The parent said that they are “a sad parent of a senior,” but are a “proud parent forbidding our 8th grader in attending CPHS.” According to the parent, their 8th grader will stay in the Charter School, where he has straight A’s.


Willis Krumholz
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Willis L. Krumholz is a fellow at Defense Priorities. He holds a JD and MBA degree from the University of St. Thomas, and works in the financial services industry. The views expressed are those of the author only. You can follow Willis on Twitter @WillKrumholz.