Commentary: Donald Trump will stop at nothing to build the wall

There is no stop President Trump hasn’t pulled out in his efforts to the build the wall; there’s no stone he’s left unturned in his quest to find funding for it.

Kaya Jones

There is no stop President Trump hasn’t pulled out in his efforts to the build the wall; there’s no stone he’s left unturned in his quest to find funding for it.

The President’s declaration of a national emergency followed nearly two months of obstructionist Democrats holding the government hostage to prevent a dime from going to truly secure the border.

This is not where the President wanted to go, but he’s willing to do it in order to solve one of the great crises of our time.

Donald Trump was elected in large part due to his promise to build a wall, but that doesn’t fully explain his appeal to everyday Americans.

Voters also saw a tenacious fighter willing to do what establishment politicians and Beltway “intellectuals” would not. They saw a rough-and-tumble “dealmaker” who always finds a way to get a project done, no matter what he’s up against.

It’s easy to forget that President George W. Bush, hardly remembered as a Trumpian immigration hawk, campaigned on the premise that “America must control its borders,” advocated sending the army to the border, and acknowledged that “the United States has not been in complete control of its borders for decades.” He even signed a bill agreeing to 700 miles of what the Mexican government at the time called “the wall.”

The difference is that President Bush didn’t have to face an opposition party dedicated to defeating his agenda at any cost, even at the expense of national security.

That’s what this declaration of a national emergency is: a clear message to the Washington political establishment and to the nation that this president will do everything in his constitutional power to get the wall built and protect this country from the crime, drugs, and human trafficking that undefended stretches of border invite.

There are some who are trying to portray that declaration as a capitulation. The only capitulation was Nancy Pelosi’s, who gave the President well over a billion more dollars more than she said she would ever agree to.

Rather, this was Donald Trump at his finest — showing his unwavering commitment to build the wall despite the Democrats and media allied against it, and proving once again to the American people that he will find a way. He will always find a way.

His administration has found billions of dollars and plenty of authority to get the wall built. Even experts that publicly disagree with the President are acknowledging this is going to move the ball down the field towards the goal line.

This is why we elected Donald Trump — his willingness to go further than the establishment thought possible to do what’s necessary for America.

Kaya Jones is a conservative commentator and a former lead singer for The Pussycat Dolls.  

Kaya Jones
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