Republicans State Senators Jeff Howe and Eric Pratt have authored a constitutional amendment that would guarantee a “quality” education to all children. This amendment is supported by the former Republican candidate for US Senate Mike McFadden.
Conservatives quickly pointed out that this amendment would destroy local control of schools and create confusion and lawsuits with little benefit to the kids.
Conservative education policy expert Kathy Kersten wrote a blistering column writing “Rather than producing academic gains, the Page-Kashkari amendment would open a Pandora’s box of lawsuits. Plaintiffs would sue to compel their own vision of “quality” education, ranging from universal public-school preschool for the very youngest children to comprehensive sex education, to racial quotas for students and teachers in every classroom.”
Additionally, 2nd Republican Congressional District which Senator Erik Pratt is part of posted a Facebook post asking residents to contact Senators and urge a NO vote.
Child Protection League of Minnesota has also sent out an email urging activists to contact Senators in opposition to the bill.
Read the full email
Despite opposition from most conservative groups Republican Minority Leader Kurt Daudt, R-Crown supports putting the constitutional amendment on the ballot.