Democratic leaders threaten to restructure the U.S. Supreme Court if decisions are not made in their favor

Several senators, along with Democratic presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand, are demanding that the Supreme Court step back from handling important cases.

Supreme Court

With the 2020 elections looming over their heads, bringing the possibilities of overturning a touchstone case like Roe v. Wade and solidifying 2nd Amendment rights, Democratic leaders are doing whatever it takes to ensure progressive principles are here to stay.

And they are willing to resort to blatant threats. 

Several senators, along with Democratic presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand, are demanding that the Supreme Court step back from handling important cases. If there are not liberal rulings on the Second Amendment and other issues, Democrats vow to fundamentally alter the highest court in the nation to suit their demands.

Democrats justify their words by accusing the U.S. Supreme Court justices of “being motivated mainly by politics.” It just happens to be the wrong side of politics.

A political faction that attempts to forcibly capitulate the government to their whims is working directly against framers of our Constitution who considered the independence of the judicial branch to be essential to the tenets of liberty.

The Democratic political party has used soft, vague, rhetorical images to evince that the Supreme Court must “heal itself” or be “restructured” if Democrats take control of the government.

John Lucke
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