Education Minnesota To Host Event With Ellison Despite Domestic Violence Allegations

On Facebook, several self-described Education Minnesota members expressed disappointment in the union for supporting Ellison despite mounting evidence of domestic violence.

Credit: Education Minnesota

APPLE VALLEY, Minn. – Despite mounting evidence of domestic violence, Education Minnesota is throwing their support behind Keith Ellison for attorney general of Minnesota.

Education Minnesota, the state’s most powerful public employee union with over 80,000 members, is set to host a breakfast and roundtable discussion with Ellison on Saturday morning. The event kicks off a “grassroots get-out-the-vote days of action” where union members will canvass for Democratic candidates.

“We can win the 2018 election if we unite in voting and in grassroots action — potential activists and voters work in every school in Minnesota,” their website reads.

The event has been advertised on social media, drawing feedback from union members.

On Facebook, several self-described Education Minnesota members expressed disappointment in the union for supporting Ellison despite mounting evidence of domestic violence. One member expressed confusion over why union dues are being used to “promote and sponsor an event with someone being accused of abuse.”

Another member said the allegations should be investigated before Education Minnesota becomes involved in the race, adding that “disregarding the allegations amounts to discrediting the accuser.”

A common thread throughout the comments was a concern for the young men and women that public school educators interact with on a daily basis. One commenter said they have “lost faith in this union.”

Education Minnesota’s event with Ellison comes as evidence of domestic abuse continues to pour in. Earlier this week, Karen Monahan, the woman accusing Ellison of domestic violence, called out Democrats for having a double standard on the #MeToo movement. Monahan said Democrats do not believe her story, adding that she has been “smeared, threatened, isolated” from her own party since coming forward. To further substantiate her story, Monahan released a medical record from 2017 that documents the physical and emotional abuse she claims to have suffered at the hands of Ellison. A picture of the report was shared to Twitter, and Monahan called on Democrats to “take all abuse allegations serious.”

Alpha News reached out to Education Minnesota to ask if they intend on addressing the allegations against Ellison. They did not respond prior to publication.

Christine Bauman
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