A last-minute smear claiming Doug Wardlow, Republican candidate for Minnesota attorney general, would eliminate electrical licenses if elected is being denounced by industry leaders.
Postcards were sent out to electricians in Minnesota claiming Wardlow would support the elimination of licenses for electrical workers in the state. The cards urged readers to vote for Democratic candidate Keith Ellison “if you want your license to continue to be valuable.”
The postcard was funded by the Local 292 chapter of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), and was signed by John Luntz, a business representative and organizer for Local 292.
Michelle Dreier, the Member Engagement and Government Affairs Manager for the Minnesota Electrical Association (MEA), said the issue was brought to her attention last week and she felt the “need to set the record straight.” While the card “incites panic,” Dreier says the claims are false and there is no reason for electrical workers to be concerned about their licenses.
“The Attorney General cannot rewrite statute,” Dreier said in an email to MEA members. “The elimination of state electrical licenses requires legislative action. It would require the House, Senate, and Governor to eliminate electrical licenses.”
“Whoever you decide to elect to the Attorney General’s position, rest assured that your vote will not affect the license that you have worked so hard to achieve,” Dreier added.
Dreier has urged MEA members to share the correction with any electricians they know.
To further dispel concerns, Dreier noted that Wardlow has not taken any position on electrical licenses, and adds that the Wardlow campaign does not know who would believe the claims in the claims in the postcard.
Alpha News has reached out to the statewide IBEW as well as the Local 292 chapter for comment. There has been no response.