Ellison Wants to Model America’s Health Care After Cuba’s

According to Ellison, Cuba spends less than per capita on health care, but has “better health outcomes.”


WASHINGTON – Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison thinks America should take a page out of Cuba’s health care book.

Speaking at a rally in Washington D.C. last week, Ellison praised countries like Cuba and Russia for their health care system. According to Ellison, Cuba spends less than per capita on health care, but has “better health outcomes.”

“Countries like Cuba or Canada or Russia or a lot of places in this world spend half what we spend per capita and they got better health outcomes than we do,” Ellison, the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, said.

Ellison says America is falling behind countries like Cuba in health outcomes because America’s current healthcare system favors corporations.

“Our system is not designed to keep people healthy,” Ellison said. “It is designed to make certain corporations a lot of money.”

This is not the first time Ellison has lashed out at America’s healthcare system, leaving some people scratching their heads. Ellison previously took a shot at healthcare in America following the Portland stabbing, calling the system “cruel.” Some were quick to question Ellison’s attack on healthcare, pointing out the inadvertent slam to the Affordable Care Act. Ellison later deleted the tweet.

In an interview on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends”, Mercedes Schlapp, whose parents fled Cuba under the Castro regime, called out Ellison for his praise of communist-controlled Cuban healthcare.

“The ignorance of these Democrats like Keith Ellison is just, it’s astonishing,” Schlapp told “Fox & Friends.”

Christine Bauman