Fauci and wife’s net worth surpassed $11 million upon leaving government

The Faucis’ net worth was approximately $9.54 million in 2019, before jumping to $11.5 million at the end of 2022.

Dr. Anthony Fauci speaks at a White House press conference. (Trump White House Archives/Flickr)

(American Greatness) — New records reveal that Dr. Anthony Fauci and his wife Christine had a total net worth of over $11 million at the time Fauci left his government post last year.

According to Fox News, the termination papers for the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) show that the Faucis’ net worth was up by $2 million since before the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, despite dipping slightly between 2021 and 2022.

“During the pandemic years, the Faucis became deca-millionaires with their household net worth exceeding $10 million,” said Adam Andrzejewski, CEO of the watchdog group OpenTheBooks. “Last year was a tough year in the markets. However, Fauci’s net worth is still up sharply from $7.6 million in 2019.”

“Before his retirement last December, Fauci was the highest-paid federal employee ($480,654) and significantly outearned the president ($400,000),” Andrzejewski continued. “In retirement, we estimate that Fauci is collecting a federal pension, which rivals a presidential salary. It’s the largest federal retirement package in history.”

The Faucis’ net worth was approximately $9.54 million in 2019, before jumping to $11.5 million at the end of 2022. The pair’s combined net worth peaked at $12.6 million in 2021, before a decrease of $1.1 million in 2022. The massive spike largely came from investments, awards, royalties, and compensation; Fauci himself has since largely spread his net worth across several different assets, including trust funds, retirement accounts, college education accounts, and investments in mutual funds.

Since retiring in December, Fauci has taken up a position with Georgetown University as a Distinguished University Professor in the School of Medicine’s Department of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases. The school describes this department as “an academic division that provides clinical care, conducts research and trains future physicians in infectious diseases.”

Fauci remains a highly controversial and divisive figure over his role during the pandemic, as he initially declared that wearing masks would do little to stop the spread of the coronavirus, before suddenly reversing course and demanding that everyone wear masks. Fauci became the symbol of widespread lockdown measures, as well as mask and vaccine mandates, drawing the ire of business owners and other Americans whose livelihoods were damaged by the lockdowns. Fauci has also repeatedly refused to acknowledge the overwhelming evidence pointing to the virus’ origins in a laboratory in Wuhan, China, leading to questions about his possible role in the funding that led to the creation of the virus in the first place.


Eric Lendrum