Fr. Altman: The truth is the same at all times in all places 

"I will not be misled or confused by liberal modernists, heretics, and apostates."

Rebecca Brannon/Alpha News

Fr. James Altman of St. James the Less in La Crosse, Wisconsin, reflected on the unchanging nature of truth and the importance of true devotion in a homily last weekend.

“The teaching of a canonized pope teaches us that it is an error to suggest that the truths of the faith are open to being adapted in different times and in different places. In other words, the truth is the same at all times and all places,” said Altman.

“So what am I supposed to say, dear family, when people ask me: what are we supposed to do with some of the hierarchy who are leading people astray, who are confusing us? What am I supposed to do? This is my answer: I’m not Catholic because of any particular person of any particular color of cassock. I’m Catholic because of 2,000 years of saints and martyrs, and I will not be misled or confused by liberal modernists, heretics, and apostates,” he continued.


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