Fully Charged: The cultural genocide of the black community

"We never hear, 'you can do it.' We only hear that we are victims and we will forever be at a disadvantage because of the past," said Sheila Qualls.

Kendall and Sheila Qualls in the Alpha News studio. (Alpha News)

What has happened to the black community over the past 50 years is nothing short of a cultural genocide, said Kendall Qualls, president of TakeCharge.

On this week’s episode of the Fully Charged podcast, Kendall and Sheila Qualls were joined by Kofi Montzka, attorney and TakeCharge ambassador. Montzka shared her personal story as they discussed the documentary, I AM A VICTOR, released last month.

VICTOR is available for download at IAMAVICTOR.com

The 55-minute film starts at the end of the civil rights era with the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and tracks the 50-year journey taken by black Americans since that iconic time.

“The film provides an education in an inspiring way,” said Sheila Qualls, executive director at TakeCharge.

VICTOR challenges the popular narrative about the black community.

“We didn’t used to live like this as a culture. Eighty percent of our families were two-parent families. Today in major cities, we’re 80 percent fatherless homes. The film challenges the black community. It’s a challenge from the black community to the black community to get back to the basics of what we used to be: faith, family, and education,” Mr. Qualls said.

“People share their personal stories of how they overcame hardships. I’ve seen it several times. I still get teary-eyed because it’s so powerful. As these people tell their incredible stories, one common theme emerges: Resolve that they would not be victims of their circumstances,” Mrs. Qualls said.

“We never hear, ‘you can do it.’ We only hear that we are victims and we will forever be at a disadvantage because of the past,” she said.

TakeCharge is purposely pushing for a shift in the popular narrative and no longer accepts the idea of communities filled with fatherless homes as an acceptable norm, Mr. Qualls said.

TakeCharge is a nonprofit that promotes the idea that the promise of America works for anyone, regardless of race or social standing. It also focuses on restoring the two-parent black family.



Alpha News Staff