GOP pressures Walz to ask for Cuomo’s resignation from leadership position

“Walz must take a stand against this criminal behavior,” Carnahan said.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo/YouTube

Minnesota GOP Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan wants Gov. Tim Walz to urge New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to resign from his position as chairman of the National Governors Association.

Carnahan said in a statement that Cuomo has “proven he is completely unfit for leadership.”

Walz, being a member of the National Governors Association and a fellow Democrat, needs to take a stand against Cuomo’s incompetent leadership, Carnahan argued.

Both the sexual harassment allegations against Cuomo and his “egregious” conduct regarding COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes have demonstrated his inability to lead and prompted state and federal investigations, Carnahan said.

After declaring that New York had one of the lowest nursing home death rates in the country, a report from New York Attorney General Letitia James said that Cuomo underreported nursing home deaths by as much as 50%.

A top aide then said that the Cuomo administration intentionally withheld nursing home data because it feared how former President Donald Trump might use the information.

This has prompted an FBI investigation into Cuomo and his administration.

Cuomo also allegedly threatened a state assemblyman who criticized his handling of the nursing home data. The man, Ron Kim, said Cuomo vowed to “destroy him.”

Additionally, three women have come forward with claims that Cuomo sexually harassed them, two of whom are former staff members in his administration. Cuomo denied the allegations but apologized for acting “in a way that made people feel uncomfortable.”

“Walz must take a stand against this criminal behavior,” Carnahan said. “Silence in the face of these scandals should not be tolerated.”

Cuomo has served as the chair of the National Governors Association, a bipartisan group of U.S. governors, since August 2020.


Rose Williams
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Rose Williams is an assistant editor for Alpha News.