Governor Walz Creates Climate Change Council, Ignores Need for Nuclear Power

“If Governor Walz is sincere in his claims that climate change is an existential crisis, then repealing Minnesota’s ban on building new nuclear power plants must be his first priority in the upcoming legislative session”

Minnesota Clean Car
Clean Car Initiative Minnesota

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz signed an executive order on December 2nd to create a subcabinet of state agency leaders for combating climate change. The subcabinet will be led by the commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Laura Bishop. Walz is also creating Governor’s Advisory Council on Climate Change.

“Intellectual diversity will be critical to [the council’s] success,” said the Center of the American Experiment in a press release. Which is why Isaac Orr, Center of the American Experiment Policy Fellow, is requesting to be appointed to the Advisory Council on Climate Change.  

“If Governor Walz is sincere in his claims that climate change is an existential crisis, then repealing Minnesota’s ban on building new nuclear power plants must be his first priority in the upcoming legislative session” Orr said, adding that “Nuclear power is the most reliable and affordable source of electricity that does not emit carbon dioxide. If Gov. Walz doesn’t advocate for legalizing new nuclear, he’s not serious about reducing emissions.”

Earlier this year, Governor Walz introduced his plan for carbon-free electricity in Minnesota by the year 2050. The Center of the American Experiment analyzed this plan critically and found this proposal would cost Minnesota $80.1 billion and would increase Minnesotan’s electric bills by upwards of 40%.


Megan Olson
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Megan Olson is a 2020 graduate of the University of Minnesota with degrees in political science and history. She works in public affairs in addition to serving on the Legislative Advisory Council for School District 196. She is also on the school board for FIT academy, a charter school in Apple Valley.