Letter to the Editor: The Basis of Freedom

The left does not understand Trump because they do not understand the basis of freedom that he so well addresses.

The Righteous Mind

The left does not understand Trump because they do not understand the basis of freedom that he so well addresses. Let me explain.

Evidence shows that from the DNA, the greater number of people are destined to be either liberal or conservative. There is where it all begins.

A researcher, Jonathon Haidt, has synthesized five Moral Foundations (MF) from which all humans process their environment and existence through. Therefore, our polarized ideologies are given to us as a tendency to be one or the other, from the DNA.

Of these five MF elements, liberals tend to process the most through predominantly two, while conservatives utilize all five. Functioning predominantly through only two MF is more limiting to the true understanding of the functioning of community, economy, and personal freedom.

Haidt states that, “…Morality suppresses selfishness [a survival instinct] and thus enables social groups to function.”

Haidt has concluded from his research that all successful civilization has functioned through all five MF for balance and successHe writes, “Looking at the entire range of human societies, the statistically ‘normal’ human society is built upon all five foundations. It is modern liberalism…which requires a special explanation.”

It’s interesting to note that Haidt was a liberal, who, after his research, now refers to himself as a “centrist.”

Gary Hukriede

White Bear Lake, MN


Alpha News will occasionay publish letters to the editor submitted to us via our email at pbagnpghf@nycunarjfza.pbz. We do not gurantee that we will publish every letter and suggest letters do not exceed 500 words.

Gary Hukriede
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