Minnesota Citizens and Businesses Begin Creating Medical Supplies

Minnesota citizens have stepped up to help create medical supplies desperately needed

Person Wearing Mask - Canva

An Edina business swapped production from hockey gear to mask coverings and others have taken to creating face shields in their own homes.

A teacher from a Catholic school and a CEO of an athletic gear company have both found ways to help medical workers by created desperately needed supplies.

Mark Westlake, a teacher at St. Thomas Academy, started creating face shields in his empty school to donate to medical workers and has even started creating them in his home. Westlake has worked with another teacher in Boston and has crowdsourced the effort, sharing blueprints for the shields with 80 other people around the country to create even more masks for donation, according to Fox6.

Chris Bonvino, owner of Gemini Athletic Wear, said “We created a gown from scratch on our software and we cut, sample-sewed, and we produced 300 of them that evening,” in an interview with KARE. Bonvino also said, “We can’t make the dent that obviously a 3M can, but we can certainly help some people in the meantime.”

Bonvino’s company has gotten orders for thousands of items, including coverings to make N95 masks last longer, and protective gowns for medical staff. And though he offered his employees paid time off, “But they all want to come in and help,” according to KARE.


If you have an inspirational story or an act of charity you would like to see highlighted please email us at pbagnpghf@nycunarjfza.pbz

Judah Torgerud

Judah Torgerud is a freelance journalist working with Alpha News to keep the people informed and bring the truth to light. Contact him at whqnu@nycunarjfza.pbz.