‘Minnesota no longer trusts this man,’ business coalition says of governor  

"Question after question showed how much the Walz administration has become a house of cards, intent on leading with bravado and gas-lighting rather than transparency and humility."

Gov. Tim Walz and Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan. (Lt. Gov. Flanagan/Twitter)

The group behind this week’s mass reopening of small businesses said “most of Minnesota no longer trusts” Gov. Tim Walz.

“With little hope, we listened this afternoon to our governor as he extended many of his onerous mandates well into January. As he rhetorically thrashed around, grasping for one rationale after another for keeping his heavy-handed restrictions in place, particularly against the restaurant and bar businesses but so many others as well, we were struck by the fact that most of Minnesota no longer trusts this man,” the Reopen Minnesota Coalition said in a statement.

The comments were made after the governor announced minor modifications to his restrictions on bars and restaurants, which will allow businesses to reopen for in-person dining — but only outdoors.

Gov. Walz said the eyebrow-raising proposal of eating outdoors in below-freezing temperatures was a request from the craft brewing industry.

“Question after question showed how much the Walz administration has become a house of cards, intent on leading with bravado and gas-lighting rather than transparency and humility,” the coalition’s statement continued, calling the governor’s Wednesday press conference a “must-watch for every Minnesotan.”

The coalition said the governor “refuses to engage [in] meaningful dialogue and seems intent on driving every last small business into an early grave.”

“And we repeat, these restrictions are not supported by any valid data. Every industry has shown that thoroughly, and many reputable media outlets have reported on this fact around the country,” the group said. “Minnesota isn’t some unique place where bars and restaurants and gyms suddenly become super spreaders. The vast majority of COVID cases come from unknown locations or from in the home. A minute amount (less than 2%) comes from any of these locked down industries.”

It’s unclear exactly how many businesses reopened Wednesday in defiance of the governor, but those that did reported “large crowds, big tips, and supportive visits from political representatives,” according to the Reopen Minnesota Coalition.

“So many of them were moved to tears in relaying the happiness they had from the support that Minnesotans have given them. Gov. Walz is right about one thing, we are all in this together, but not in a spirit of fear as he would seem to want us, but in a spirit of thanksgiving and good cheer,” the coalition said.

The group has published a list of about 100 businesses that plan to reopen this week. More than 200 other establishments have committed to reopening, but don’t want their names publicized, according to the coalition.


Anthony Gockowski
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Anthony Gockowski is Editor-in-Chief of Alpha News. He previously worked as an editor for The Minnesota Sun and Campus Reform, and wrote for the Daily Caller.