Minnesotans held Thanksgiving dinner outside Walz’s house in response to COVID restrictions

"Since Papa Walz won't let us gather in our own homes for Thanksgiving, we decided to gather at his."

Photo courtesy of Hold the Line Minnesota

A group of Minnesotans gathered outside the governor’s residence Thursday for their Thanksgiving dinner in protest of Gov. Tim Walz’s coronavirus mandates.

“Since Papa Walz won’t let us gather in our own homes for Thanksgiving, we decided to gather at his,” Hold the Line Minnesota, which organized the event, said in an advertisement.

Under an executive order from Walz, Minnesotans weren’t allowed to have anyone from another household in their homes for Thanksgiving — a restriction that will remain in place until at least mid-December.

Hold the Line Minnesota has been holding “stop the steal” protests outside Walz’s home every Saturday since the election, and plans to continue doing so.

All photos courtesy of Hold the Line Minnesota

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