With less than two months to go before the election, the race for attorney general of Minnesota is a dead heat according to new polling data.
A new KSTP/Survey USA poll shows Republican Doug Wardlow and Democrat Keith Ellison are tied at 41 percent each. Another 14 percent are undecided.
While the office of Minnesota attorney general has been occupied by a Democrat for 47 years, Ellison is struggling to convince Minnesotans that he is the right man for the job.
The domestic violence allegations against Ellison continue to be a concern with voters. When asked if the allegations were a factor in their choice, 40 percent of those surveyed said they are a factor. Another 21 percent said they are not sure.
Last month, Ellison’s former partner Karen Monahan alleged Ellison physically and verbally abused her. The allegations caused another woman’s story of Ellison’s mistreatment and abuse from 2005 to resurface, with a 911 call log corroborating the story.
Ellison’s controversial stance on immigration issues may also be feeding into the hesitancy among Minnesota voters. In May, Ellison marched in a parade wearing a shirt that said “I do not believe in borders” in Spanish. Ellison has also called national borders an “injustice” by not allowing the free flow of people seeking higher wages.
While Ellison has promoted sanctuary cities and open border policies, Minnesotans hold different opinions. In the same KSTP/Survey USA poll, 59 percent of those surveyed do not want Minnesota to become a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants.
Wardlow, on the other hand, called out “very dangerous” sanctuary city policies, saying Minnesotans need an attorney general who is going to stand up for public safety.
According to the poll, Ellison does best in urban areas, leading with 64 percent to 19 percent. Wardlow leads 50 percent to 29 percent in rural areas, and 48 percent to 35 percent in the suburbs. To read the full poll results, click here.