Minneapolis, MN– Republican Nominee Donald Trump and Democratic Nominee Hillary Clinton went head – to – head in a primetime debate last night.
Here are a few takeaways from the event I took away at the watch party I attended:
Third Debater?
This question became a trending topic on twitter the morning after the debate. Republicans I sat with last night were not pleased with Lester Holt’s performance as a debate moderator.
The NBC News anchor seemingly lost control of the debate rather early. Lester Holt started out the debate by stating that he wrote the questions himself and that these were the candidates America chose.
His overall questions were seemingly geared to clarify or call into question remarks made by Donald Trump throughout the campaign cycle. Very few, if any questions were directed towards remarks made by Clinton.
Remarks from some Republicans last night seemed to note that Holt was one-sided in his questioning. Questions by Holt included the birther controversy, the war in Iraq, and Trump’s view of women.
While pundits seem to disagree with this hashtag, it has been the number one trending topic on twitter all morning. An NY Post article from last night is the first tweet you see.
The article talks about how Trump won the debate last night for undecideds and Democrats in an East Coast bar. Republicans at the watch party I attended cheered for Trump from the very beginning.
For the most part, people the New Hope Cinema Grill were quiet except for a few cheers for Trump and boos for Clinton.
Respect and Compromise
Last night shows why #TrumpWon is the number one trending topic on Twitter this morning. Not for his policy, but for the way he held himself. Trump showed two things that were unique for his normal demeanor. Respect and Compromise.
On multiple occasions, Trump tried to show common ground with Clinton. He agreed with her that people on the no-fly list should not have guns.
He also talked about the same ideas on nuclear weapons and gang members having guns.
He also addressed her as Secretary Clinton in his responses.
He never referred to her as Hillary. Clinton on the other hand seemed to rub people the wrong way.
She immediately referred to him [Trump] as Donald. Both last night at the Debate Party and local MN radio call-ins this morning had comments from a lot of people who noticed that Clinton seemed haughty and above everyone. Many made comments to a superior air that surrounded the Democratic candidate and ultimately created a sense of entitlement.
Trump and Clinton will have just two more chances to go head-to-head in the next month before the election. Pundits and voters alike will be keeping an eye on both campaigns and how they begin to prepare for the last month.
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