Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities asking for more money to help local governments fast.
The Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities is urging lawmakers to act quickly and pass legislation that they say is critical for people living outside the Metro area.
Bradley Peterson, Executive Director of the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities, representing 88 cities across the state, says lawmakers need to move on passing bills that didn’t make it last session and as a result hurt Greater Minnesota cities, stating, “Serious proposals, no game playing to get these critical things done. There’s a lot of work to be done – a state budget, tax bill, bonding bill, transportation…there’s not a moment to be wasted.”
Alexandria Mayor Sara Carlson serves as President of the Coalition; she says in addition to passing the three vital bills that didn’t make it last session, their number one priority is local government aid (LGA), a program that reduces disparities in parts of Minnesota with smaller tax bases. Carlson explains, “All the cities across Minnesota need the local government aid to support themselves, their roads, their streets, bring down property taxes.”
The Coalition is seeking a $45.5 million increase in local government aid. Carlson says the 2017 legislative session will be a test as to which state leaders have truly heard the messages sent from Greater Minnesota.
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