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Minnesota Republicans & Democrats vote for “Full-service community schools”

Food, clothing, housing, family therapy, healthcare and dental your local school building? Full service community schools get the green light at state and federal level.

Childcare Providers Preparing for Unionization Vote

Some childcare providers fear that local unions may try to rush a vote to unionize providers this holiday season...

Dayton pledges $15 million in taxpayer money to appease protesters, 4th precinct cleared

The 4th police precinct headquarters in north Minneapolis has been cleared after two weeks of protests. But, as Black Lives Matters activists move to Minneapolis City Hall, will the Governor's pledge for $15 million in new racial equity spending, quell the anger?

$96 Million Bond To Be Challenged in District Court

The South Washington County ISD 833 $96 million bond referendum ballot Question 2 is headed to Washington County District Court.  A Notice of Contest and...

Alpha News Update: Special Session Demands, Police Body Cameras, and Mandatory In-Home Fire Sprinklers

In this Alpha News Update we discuss a mandatory in-home fire sprinklers case that will likely be pushed again in the future, as well as Governor Dayton's special session requests, and the growing concern surrounding body cameras for law enforcement.

Dayton invokes Bush and Reagan, demands meeting with Obama

Minnesota's Democrat leadership wants President Obama to follow the lead of past Republican Presidents to address chronic Iron Range unemployment. But, it's not only cheap Chinese steel that's hurting iron-ore workers.

Did Bias Pass ISD 833’s $96Million Bond? Will It Be Up To A Judge...

Did bias play a role in the determination of the ISD 833 Question 2 Bond passing? During the Canvassing Board meeting, a minor dust-up occurred...

Is Benson-Staebler a Stable Conservative Vote?

David Benson-Staebler is seeking the Republican endorsement in Minnesota’s 2nd Congressional District (CD2), but several conservatives have questioned whether or not he is actually a Republican.

$3.2 billion in borrowing requests around the state

Leiglslators are currently touring the state and taking a look at some of the $3.4 billion in current requests for your tax dollars. Take a closer look.

UPDATE: Canvassing Board Passes $96 Million Dollar Bond Question by Five Votes

Wednesday, November 25, 2015 Cottage Grove, Minnesota The South Washington County District 833 Question Two Recount Canvassing Board met at the District Service Center Wednesday morning...