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Oakdale Residents Speak Out Against the $485 Million Bus Route

Oakdale residents are in uproar over proposed changes to 4th St.

DEVELOPING: Letters between U of MN leaders reveal concerns about fetal tissue

University not only obtained fetal tissue from Advanced Biosciences Resources, but also Stem Express.

Marc Thiessen Weighs In on The Threat of Radical Islam in Minnesota

Political commentator and former speech writer for President George W. Bush and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Marc Thiessen, explains how the threat of radical Islam could affect Minnesotans. Thiessen weighs in on Governor Dayton's comments that Minnesotans questioning the refugee resettlement programs should, "find another state."

BREAKING: University obtained fetal parts directly from abortion clinic.

Vice President for Research at the University of Minnesota, tells state Legislator that the University-- at some point-- had procured fetal parts directly from Meadowbrook Women's Clinic in Minneapolis.

State legislator asks University of Minnesota sharp questions on fetal tissue research

More questions than answers from the University of Minnesota and their fetal tissue research program.

University Students Demanding an Investigation into The U’s Fetal Tissue Research

Students are calling for President Kaler to clarify that the University's fetal tissue research is not coming from aborted fetuses. A counter-protest ensued.

University of Minnesota hosts Washington D.C. event to honor Mondale

An A-list of Minnesota Democrats and University of Minneosta faculty celebrated the legacy of former Vice President Walter Mondale in Washington D.C. yesterday.

Rochester School District goes after local Tea Party

It's getting heated in Rochester, where local spending increases could give homeowners a nearly 9% property tax hike. Now the school district has an attorney at taxpayer expense.

Don Huizenga – “If I Have To Be Challenged By Leadership, I’ll Challenge Them”

Alpha News interviews Don Huizenga, another candidate running for SD 35's recently vacated Senate seat.  His aspirations include working on Planned Parenthood funding and...

$1.8 billion in new school capital spending levies on the ballot Nov 3rd

School spending projects from building renovations to house PreK to performing arts centers are on the ballot. Voting patterns show that most of the spending will be approved by the voters, but did they know the state is already kicking in more money for school facilities?