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Early support for Presidential candidates from key Minnesota politicians and players

Now that the United States presidential campaign has turned into twenty-four month spectacle, candidates work to gain early support from influential names in the political realm. Here's a look a who's been supporting whom here in Minnesota:

Alpha News Report – Minneapolis Tobacco Restrictions

The Minneapolis City Council unanimously voted Friday to restrict the sale of flavored tobacco exclusively to traditional tobacco stores – leaving hundreds of convenience stores and corner markets in Minneapolis to drop these products.

Is it time to ban Minnesota’s sanctuary cities? 89% say “Yes”

The hot issue of illegal immigration and sanctuary-cities is back on the front pages. A young woman named Katie Steinle was shot to death by a convicted felon and illegal immigrant in the sanctuary-city of San Francisco two weeks ago. In April, Earl Arthur Olander was found bound and beaten to death in his rural San Francisco Township home. WCCO reported last week on the immigration status of two men who were arrested for the brutal murder of the 90-year old Minnesota man. One of the men lived in the sanctuary-city of St. Paul and had a criminal record.

Alpha News Exclusive Interview – Governor Scott Walker

In light of Governor Walker's recent Presidential announcement, Alpha News takes a look at our interview with the potential future President.

Minnesota’s Citizen Legislature? 40% of state senators don’t hold an outside job

According to the Minnesota legislature's website: "In Minnesota, members of the Legislature are "citizen legislators" and most have jobs outside the Legislature." Alpha News took a look at online biographies and candidate websites of Minnesota's sixty-seven state senators and found that while most do list employment outside of their legislative position, 40% do not.

Inequity in Rural and Urban Education Funding – Part Two

Part two of our investigative report on the inequity in rural and urban education funding in Minnesota

Inequity in Rural and Urban Education Funding – Part One

Part one of our investigative report on the inequity in rural and urban education funding in Minnesota

Alpha News Poll: What do you think about Sanctuary Cities in Minnesota?

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Tom Emmer lurches left, Who’s influencing the Congressman?

Editorial boards from Minnesota newspapers have praised freshman Congressman Tom Emmer for going rogue. By bucking his conservative base and providing a more moderate course for the state's 6th district, Emmer's becoming a Democrat's Republican, but the conversion leaves questions in the minds of Republican voters who elected him just eight months ago. In a non-scientific Facebook poll, Alpha News found that 49% were not satisfied with the performance of Congressman Emmer, 26% were satisfied and another 25% were undecided. Of those who responded, 59% said they voted for Emmer and 38% did not. When asked if they believed if Emmer was doing a better job than Michele Bachmann, 24% said Yes, 56% said No, and 20% were undecided.

Surprising Tom Emmer Facebook Poll Results

Check out our latest poll results on Congressman Tom Emmer. They might surprise you!