Photos appear to show edibles, THC vape cartridges in Sheriff Hutchinson’s totaled car

New photos appear to show a box of THC vape cartridges and an empty package of THC gummies in Sheriff Hutchinson's wrecked car alongside snacks, packs of cigarettes, a vape, identifying documents, a Hennepin County sheriff's patch, and a prescription for testosterone gel.

Images captured by photojournalist Rebecca Brannon appear to show an empty package of THC-containing edibles and a box of THC vape cartridges in Hennepin County Sheriff Dave Hutchinson’s wrecked vehicle. (Twitter/Rebecca Brannon)

Hennepin County Sheriff Dave Hutchinson apparently had THC products in his county-funded car when he rolled it into a ditch while drunk.

Hutchinson, who ran on a progressive platform aimed at restoring public trust in law enforcement, drunkenly rolled his vehicle off the road traveling about 70 miles per hour home to Minneapolis from a sheriffs’ conference in Alexandria last week. After the accident, his urine revealed a blood alcohol content of .13 — nearly twice the legal limit of .08.

However, newly-released photos now suggest he may have also been under the influence of THC.

Photojournalist Rebecca Brannon posted 14 photos of Hutchinson’s destroyed vehicle Thursday morning. These photos show snacks, packs of cigarettes, a vape, identifying documents, a Hennepin County sheriff’s patch, a prescription for testosterone gel, an empty package of THC gummies, and a box of THC vape cartridges.

The THC products are highlighted below. “Do not drive or operate any machinery while using this product,” warns the manufacturer of the THC gummies found in Hutchinson’s wrecked vehicle.

Hutchinson’s pack of THC vape cartridges sits next to a nicotine vape and two packs of cigarettes.

Hutchinson is now facing four charges, including one for carrying a pistol under the influence of alcohol.

“I made the inexcusable decision to drive after drinking alcohol and I am deeply sorry,” the sheriff said in a statement last week. “I will immediately address my personal issues surrounding alcohol and seek the help I need to continue to serve the people of Hennepin County.”

A law enforcement source familiar with the matter told Alpha News that it is standard practice for the sheriff to drive an unmarked vehicle with civilian plates.


Kyle Hooten

Kyle Hooten is Managing Editor of Alpha News. His coverage of Minneapolis has been featured on television shows like Tucker Carlson Tonight and in print media outlets like the Wall Street Journal.