Pro-life group condemns Smith’s support for infanticide in endorsing Lewis

"Senator Smith has voted against efforts to protect the lives of babies born alive after failed abortions."

Image sources: Twitter/Tina Smith, Jason Lewis

Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life nonprofit organization, has announced its endorsement of U.S. Senate candidate Jason Lewis and condemned his opponent, Sen. Tina Smith.

Susan B. Anthony List is a network of more than 837,000 pro-life Americans, who work to promote their cause by investing in voter education, lobbying, and grassroots campaigns. The organization recently announced its endorsement of Lewis, who has a 100% pro-life voting record from his one term as a congressman. 

“Jason Lewis will defend the most vulnerable in Washington. We’re glad to see him take on abortion extremist Sen. Tina Smith,” Marilyn Musgrave, Susan B. Anthony List’s vice president of government affairs, said in a press release.

Musgrave said Smith, a former Planned Parenthood executive, has advocated for abortion on demand and the funneling of taxpayer dollars to the big abortion industry.”

“Since coming to Washington, it’s been more of the same. She has even helped block efforts to end late-term abortion and infanticide – an abysmal record reflected in her ‘F’ rating on our National Pro-Life Scorecard. The contrast is stark and Minnesotans deserve better,” she said.

“Jason will stand up for his constituents’ true values and be a voice of common sense against abortion extremism at a critical time in the Senate. We are proud to endorse him and urge the pro-life voters of Minnesota to support him,” Musgrave added. 

In its scorecard of Smith, the organization notes that she voted against efforts to protect “the lives of babies born alive after failed abortions, and against efforts to protect taxpayers who don’t want their hard-earned tax dollars paying for elective abortion.” 

Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life has also endorsed Lewis over Smith. 

For nearly 30 years, the Susan B. Anthony List has been providing a voice to the voiceless by fighting against the left’s increasingly radical assault on life. It is apparent we’ve moved past the life versus choice debate of old and we’ve moved into a new era of extremism. My opponent Tina Smith, a Planned Parenthood executive, is arguably the most radical anti-life politician in America,” Lewis said in a statement.

She proved as much when she took to the floor of the United States Senate to advocate for post-birth abortion and against the Born Alive Act,” he said. With control of the Senate hanging in the balance and the need to confirm conservative federal judges more glaring than ever, the importance of this election outcome cannot be understated.


Judah Torgerud
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Judah Torgerud is a freelance journalist working with Alpha News to keep the people informed and bring the truth to light. Contact him at whqnu@nycunarjfza.pbz.