Rep Drazkowski Calls For Charges Against Ilhan Omar

Representative Steve Drazkowski (R-Mazeppa) is calling for district judges of Hennepin County to investigate Omar for committing perjury in a 2017 application for a default-divorce

Steve Drazkowki

More calls for charges against Congresswoman Ilhan Omar have been pushed forward by Representative Steve Drazkowski (R-Mazeppa), calling for district judges of Hennepin County to investigate Omar for committing perjury in a 2017 application for a default-divorce

Ilhan Omar was married to her alleged brother Ahmed Elmi in 2009; under mounting scrutiny from the press over his identity, Omar sought the expedited divorce process in 2017 which allowed Mr. Elmi to avoid further scrutiny of the Hennepin County District Court.

Mr. Drazkowski is calling for criminal charges be filed against Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, asking Hennepin County District Judge Kathleen D. Sheehy and Chief Judge Ivy S. Bernhardson of the Fourth Judicial District in the Hennepin County, to issue a “contempt of court” citation and “punish” Rep. Omar for committing perjury – for which she told seven demonstrable lies in her August 2, 2017 affidavit.

Some of her lies to questions in that sworn statement include:

1. The last known location of respondent [Mr. Elmi] as of summer 2011 (date) was at: ‘London’
2. My most recent contact with respondent was (when and where): ‘June 2011’
3. I have made the following efforts to locate the respondent: ‘Looked for on social media’

Representative Drazkowski presented several social media posts as evidence that show Congresswoman Omar interacting with Mr. Elmi well after 2011. One piece of photographic proof even shows Omar socializing with Mr. Elmi in London 2015 in a photo from her Instagram.

Drazkowski also called upon Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman or Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison to bring perjury charges against Congresswoman Ilhan Omar for each of the false statements she made in her sworn statement.

“If judges do not punish blatant perjury in a case where another person is left helpless before the law, then public confidence in the Hennepin County Judges and the courts is neither justified nor enduring,” Drazkowski asserted.

The penalty for each perjury county is up to five years in Minnesota.

Rep. Steve Drazkowski has been waging a battle in Minnesota against Ilhan Omar’s corruption in attempts to hold her accountable with efforts such as growing the citizen petition

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