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Bring Your Own? Minneapolis May Soon BAN Plastic Bags
Minneapolis is on its way to banning plastic bags and charging for paper bags in stores...
Dayton Requests $100 Million for “Equity” Programs
Governor Dayton proposes $100 million to be spent on equity programs. Where will this money be spent?
Push for Sunday Liquor Sales Grows in Minnesota
Will 2016 be the year Minnesota lifts the ban on Sunday liquor sales?
GOP Rep Counter-Offers Dayton’s Request for $100 Million in Broadband Funding
Authored by Representative Dave Baker (R-District 17b), the bill provides $35 million in funding for the state’s existing broadband program, specifically focusing on underserved and unserved areas.
Breaking News: Cuban Dissidents Arrested Hours Before Emmer & Klobuchar’s Visit
Dozens of dissidents arrested hours before President Obama, along with Congressman Tom Emmer and Senator Klobuchar and others arrive in Cuba on Sunday, March 20, 2016.
Minneapolis Public Schools Failing – 64% of Graduates from North Minneapolis High School Take...
Horrifying education statistics have been released depicting just how bad Minneapolis' education system has been performing, especially for the city's most vulnerable students.
Republican Liberty Caucus of Minnesota Sends Message to Lawmakers by Suspending Endorsements
In an unprecedented move by the Republican Liberty Caucus of Minnesota (RLCMN), the organization is suspending its legislative endorsement process for the 2016 election cycle, citing "disappointment in state legislators' performance last year"
Saint Patrick’s Day in St. Paul: Where Every One is Irish for the Day
St. Paul celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade.
Gateway Corridor Support Brings Challenger to Woodbury Representative
A state representative is being challenged for her seat after one of her constituents was outraged by her support for the Gateway Corridor, a mass transit project from Woodbury to St Paul.
Dayton’s Proposed Budget Calls for Almost $700 Million in New Spending
Dayton's proposed supplemental budget calls for almost $700 million in new spending.