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Alpha News Report: MN Care II

Alpha News Featured Report on MN Care II Proposal

Alpha News Update – Legislature Says ‘Yes’ to Felons Voting and ‘No’ to Sunday...

Elections: The current version of the Senate Elections Administration Bill includes legislation to allow felons to vote before their sentence is up, and to open voter registration to sixteen year olds. Alpha News spoke with the Ranking Minority Member for the Senate Rules and Administration Subcommittee on Elections, Senator Mary Kiffmeyer, to ask her about the various components of this bill.

BLOG: Bringing home the bacon, Legislators seek funding for local projects from state...

As the final weeks of the legislative session unfold, look for bits of bacon in the final budget negotiations. Pork projects are ones that...

BLOG: Bathroom bill fails in Senate, Democrats to introduce taxpayer-funded sex-change operations

Sen Dibble and other Senate Democrats will be introducing new legislation tomorrow. Senate File 2141 would require taxpayers to pay for sex-change operations and sex-change drugs under Medical Assistance, which is Minnesota’s Medicaid program. Currently the law states that sex-reassignment surgery is not covered. The words “unless medically necessary” would be added to the current law and new language added to provide hormone drug coverage.

BLOG: The cost of driving in Minnesota will go up under plan passed...

The Minnesota Senate voted yesterday to pass their transportation bill which mirrors Governor Dayton's plan to spend $11 Billion on roads, bridges, and public transportation. The 6.5% wholesale gas tax has been receiving the bulk of attention, which would put Minnesota in the top five in the nation for fuel taxes.

BLOG: Getting 16-year-olds pre-registered to vote moves ahead

In February, Alpha News reported on House File 391 sponsored by Rep Dean Urdahl, R-Grove City, which would allow for all Minnesota 17-year-olds to...

BLOG: Two Lakeville legislators propose a simpler plan for tax relief

The widely-advertised GOP House tax plan promises to "give it back" to 2 million Minnesotans in the form of a variety of targeted tax credits...

$20 million proposed for Snowbate program has bipartisan support, despite recent legislative auditor report

A bill at the Capitol would pump $20 Million into the Snowbate program which currently provides tax rebates for production companies to make movies and commercials in Minnesota.

Alpha News Update: April 22nd

Republican leaders propose returning the surplus with tax credits, a Woodbury resident doesn't want a new $485 million transit way and the unusual funding of the new Senate office building brings new amendments.

BLOG: House Republicans Reveal Variety of Tax Credits

The Republican House announced their tax plan over the weekend. The bill calls for giving back the projected $1.9 Billion state surplus—and then some-- in the form of tax credits.