Sunday Sales Passes MN Senate Committee

Sunday alcohol sales is heading to the Senate floor

St. Paul, MN – The MN Senate Committee on Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy voted 7-4 on the Sunday liquor sales bill, sending the bill to the Senate floor.

Authorizing Sunday liquor sales has been a perennial effort for lawmakers. On Monday, the MN House passed a bill allowing Sunday sales with a vote of 85-45. Gov. Dayton has said he will not veto the bill if it makes it to his desk.

“It’s one of those issues where there are vested interests on one side and vested interests on the other side,” Dayton told Fox 9. “Where is the public interest? I think the public interest is to probably to buy alcohol on Sunday’s like you can buy just any other commodity.”

The Senate and House versions of the bill differ in start times. The Senate version would allow liquor stores to open at 11a.m., an hour later than the House’s proposal. If the bill passes the Senate without amendment, it would have to go through conference committee to iron-out the differences. It would face a re-vote in both chambers before reaching the governor’s desk.

Minnesota is one of 12 states that still prohibits liquor sales on Sundays.

Christine Bauman