Susan Esbe is an ROTC student at the University of Minnesota and a video columnist for Alpha News. She says that teaching assistants (TAs) ostracize their peers who believe in the sanctity of life and that other students boast about their abortions.
Esbe says in her latest video that she was at a TA meeting where the practice of discarding unused human embryos after the in vitro fertilization process was being discussed. She says that this practice was presented as normal and that only “certain people” (read: pro-lifers) would have a problem with it. These “certain people” are “ridiculous,” according to Esbe’s fellow TAs.
“I know that there are a few people at the University of Minnesota … who actually brag about the amount of abortions they’ve had … they’re not ashamed of them … they use abortion as a form of birth control,” Esbe reports.
Susan Esbe
Susan Esbe is a video columnist for Alpha News. She is currently a senior at the University of Minnesota studying political science and German. She has been involved with various political campaigns in both Minnesota and Wisconsin, where she went to high school. Susan is currently working for Turning Point USA and started a new chapter from scratch. Susan hopes to stay active in politics throughout and after her military career as the voice of the (new and complex) young conservative movement.