Tag: Center of the American Experiement
New billboard campaign warns Minnesotans about severe inflation
The Center of the American Experiment launched a new public awareness campaign highlighting the rising cost of everyday household items and food.
“Inflation rates have...
Here are the ‘most bird-brained examples of waste in state government’
The Center of the American Experiment is once again awarding its semi-annual Golden Turkey Award to one of four options of egregious government waste.
Poll: Majority of citizens dissatisfied with Walz’s approach to handling crime
According to a recent poll conducted by Meeting Street Insights for the Center of the American Experiment, Minnesotans are dissatisfied with how crime is...
Think Tank Circulates Petition For Walz To Reopen The Economy
The Center of the American Experiment recently launched a campaign to "to pressure Walz to lift his shutdown order" according to the Center's President,...
‘Major Lawsuit’ Announced Against ‘Eco-Terrorists’ Who Target Minnesota’s Energy Infrastructure
A legal group has filed a lawsuit against “eco-terrorists” who caused more than $100,000 in damage to the equipment of a Minnesota-based family logging...
Minnesota Think Tank: Minnesota’s workforce could face issues in the future
Minnesota’s workforce could face weakness in the future, according to a report by the Center of the American Experiment titled “Minnesota’s Workforce to 2050.”
The Wall Street Journal’s Kim Strassel is coming to Minnesota
One of the smartest political commentators and writers out there, the Wall Street Journal’s Kim Strassel, is coming to Minnesota in October. Hosted by...
Washington Post Smears Minnesota’s Katherine Kersten
The writers at the Washington Post went on full attack mode against conservatives.. Washington Post writer Rebecca Tan, wrote a story titled “Racial gaps...
Minnesotans Can Expect 40% Increase in Electric Bill Under Renewable Energy...
A new study by Center of the American Experiment found the “50 percent renewables by 2030” mandate proposed by Governor Walz during the 2018 campaign...
MNSure Isn’t Just Causing Healthcare Costs to Skyrocket
According to a new report from the Center of the American Experiment, taxpayers are being soaked for millions of dollars a year on their...