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Gutknecht: Let None Dare Call It Sedition

High School students are probably no longer required to read Seven Days in May. The political novel that was later turned into a movie starring...

Dave Hughes: Why I Oppose U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren’s “Medicare for...

For weeks the mainstream media waited breathlessly for Senator Elizabeth Warren's "Medicare for All" plan. Now folks are examining its price tag and debating...

Beto is gone, but his spirit still haunts the 2020 Democrats

“Beto” may be gone from the Democratic debate stage, but he is not forgotten. Much as they might wish to quickly relegate his disastrous...

Alyssa Ahlgren: The Unmatched Exceptionalism of Western Culture

Ilhan Omar stated we need to end “Western imperialism” at Bernie Sanders’ rally in early November. Dennis Prager was laughed at and booed on...

Gutknecht: Boneheads on Boards of Directors

When most employees get fired, they leave with only their personal items and a strong dose of embarrassment. No severance. No gold watch. No...

Drag queen flashes crotch to children in Minnetonka – who will...

“Drag queen story hour,” which started as a small fringe phenomenon in San Francisco in 2015, is now sweeping the land.  This is where...

Gutknecht: Where are the real scientists?

About 45 years ago, a handful of climatologists surrendered to new evidence and switched sides. They moved from predicting a coming ice age to...

Alyssa Ahlgren: Free Flow of Information Is the Left’s Worst Nightmare

Two recent developments from social media giants have perfectly contrasted the difference between the left and the right’s view on free speech. Mark Zuckerberg...

Political Action Is Needed to Protect Kids Like James Younger

The worst nightmare imaginable for a parent is for something horrible to happen to our kids. And this week, that nightmare became a reality...

Alyssa Ahlgren: Government Is the Overbearing Parent You Wish Would Stop...

What does TSA, the VA, USPS, public education, the welfare system, Medicare, the EPA, and IRS all have in common? They’re some of the...