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Tag: Covid-19

Union files complaint against Minneapolis schools over plan to resume in-person...

A Minneapolis teachers union has filed an unfair labor practice complaint against Minneapolis Public Schools because of the district’s plan to return to in-person...

Commentary: Mask mandates hearken back to America’s first fight for #FaceFreedom

During the 1918 Spanish influenza, many Americans refused the mask. Even some health care workers refused. A historical account of that era recently printed...

Cuomo administration undercounted COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes by 50%, New...

(Daily Caller News Foundation) – The New York Department of Health undercounted deaths from coronavirus in the state’s nursing homes by as much as...

Commentary: Teachers unions ignore science, refuse to sacrifice

Did I want to scribe another column about the malfeasance of public school teachers and unions that protect them? After several pieces, starting in May,...

Minnesota saw a more than 750% hike in jobless claims during...

From mid-March of 2020 through the first full week of 2021, Minnesota reported a spike in its weekly unemployment claims of 751.68%, compared to...

Operation Warp Speed continues to succeed

Operation Warp Speed (OWS) was born last May with aims “to have substantial quantities of a safe and effective vaccine available for Americans by January...

Restored by local health board, MDH steps in to revoke restaurant...

The Minnesota Department of Health informed a restaurant owner this week that her license will be revoked for defying the governor’s COVID-19 executive orders,...

Minnesotans under the age of 40 more likely to be murdered...

Minnesotans under the age of 40 are two times more likely to be murdered than die from COVID-19, Center of the American Experiment economist...

As Minnesota plods along, our neighbors lead the nation in vaccine...

North Dakota not only tops Minnesota when it comes to job growth, cost of living, individual liberty and more, but also in fighting the...

Run by DFL donors, casinos remained open through Minnesota shutdown

Casinos, bars, and restaurants on Native American tribal lands in Minnesota have remained open throughout the COVID-19 emergency, despite restaurants and bars being forced...